Proverbs 22:3
A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
Ready or Not here I come
Playing Hide and Seek as a kid was always a fun time, especially when it was beginning to get dark and it turned into Hide and Scare. The seeker was required to utter those infamous words, “Ready or not, here I come!” before they could launch out in pursuit of those hiding. Most of the time, the issue was not so much the preparation of the one hiding, it was the one seeking who might not be prepared. Certainly there were times where a hider’s indecisiveness about where to hide caused them to be caught in the open when the seeker was through counting, but not too often.
Life is much like a game of Hide and Seek. Most people go through life seeking an elusive purpose. The prudent or wise person is prepared. The writer of Proverbs reminds us that those who are wise are the ones who fear God and obey His commandments. The simpleton or fool is the person who disregards God’s law and denies His existence.
Even those who are wise are surprised at times, however. We can take every possible precaution and still “get scared”. The biggest difference, I have noticed, between the wise and simple, is that when the wise encounter something scary they do not run, they stand in the power of God and keep going forward. The simple run away.
Father of strength and courage, I ask you to help me stand strong in the face of fear and the unknown. Enable me to see your path through any difficulties and dangers of life. Prepare me for what is coming in my future that I may stand with the wise and bring you glory. - Dan Jones
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