Proverbs 21:3
The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices.
Most people prefer to live by the motto: “Better to ask for forgiveness than permission.” It is this type of behavior that keeps flower shops in business. I know I have stopped to buy a bundle of flowers as a “peace offering” to my wife. Acting first and then determining the consequences is easier but more destructive.
Since the death of Jesus, our concept of a sacrifice has changed. We think of sacrificing our money or time for God, but not in the manner the OT people thought of sacrifice. In the OT you offered a sacrifice to obtain something, mainly forgiveness from God. What we think of as “sacrifice” today would better be termed “an offering” since we know that forgiveness has already been fully paid for in the sacrifice of Christ.
Doing what is right and just in the first place is more pleasing to God than sacrifice, because doing what is right and just is God’s will for our lives. Sacrifice came into play only after sin entered the world. Righteousness and justice were present in the Garden but not sacrifice. Would we be more correct if our language in the church changed from talking about “our sacrifices” to talking about doing what is right and just? Certainly we should continue to talk about Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf, but in light of what Christ has done, can anything we do rightly be called a sacrifice?
God who gave it all for me, help me to live out what is right and just today in my life. Transform my thinking to understand all my acts of service and giving as an offering to you instead of a sacrifice even when it cost me. - Dan Jones
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