Without oxen a stable stays clean,
but you need a strong ox for a large harvest.
Without oxen a stable stays clean,
but you need a strong ox for a large harvest.

Jesus told a story that illustrates this proverb. There was a ruler who went away and entrusted his money in the care of three men. One man received $5,000, the second $2,000 and the third $1,000. When he returned the first and second men had doubled their money while the third had hid it, and gave back the man exactly what was given to him. The ruler was pleased with the first two servants and rewarded them, but stripped the third of all he had.
It seems unfair; the third man did not lose any money. He just played it safe and took no risk. The parable and proverb point to an unsettling expectation of God for his children. God expects us to take a risk with His resources instead of hoarding them and playing it safe. God expects us to use our gifts, talents, money, and time to increase His holdings in the world.
God expects us to be actively investing in the world around us. True, at times we will “lose” money, but Scripture seems to indicate the results of our investments are not God’s critical concern. God calls us to invest all we have and let Him worry about the results.
Holy investor in the world, your illustrated investment portfolio shows me how you risked it all to rescue me through Jesus. Help me to risk everything you have given me to rescue those around me. – Dan Jones
A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
jealousy is like cancer in the bones.
A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
jealousy is like cancer in the bones.

The word translated jealousy, in other contexts means sexual passion or ardor for God. Here it means a passion to possess for myself what others have. I know this passion but wish I had never made its acquaintance.
I suppose none of us has a choice but to meet up with this cancerous creature. It’s that subtle thing called sin tucked deep into the human soul that makes our meeting anything but chance. And I suspect that this is one of those creatures that lurks around each corner long after followers of Jesus have fully surrendered their hearts to Christ and sought to be purified in love.
A genuine passion for God grants me the strength to resist the temptation to become possessed by a passion for things and experiences I’d enjoy, but am forced to leave to others. If I didn’t tithe, I could… If I had pursued another, better paying career, I could…
I could get all wrapped up in pursuing things and experiences others dangle in front of me, that advertisers tell me I need in order to be fulfilled, and that my country wants me to run out and buy in order to help turn our economy around.
Truth is, I have a settled heart. Nothing will replace my passion for God. But I have to confess that I do not always have a peaceful heart. There are times the disgusting creature of jealousy and envy breaks through my defenses and I have to re-conquer the territory.
God of Peace, I commit myself to fight off this intruder as often as I need to and will celebrate the day when you choose to grant peace to the kingdom of my heart. – Mike Leamon
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