Proverbs 29:19
Words alone will not discipline a servant;
Words alone will not discipline a servant;
the words may be understood,
but they are not heeded.
Action required

The old adage “Do what I say not what I do” falls short in its expectations of instilling good principles in others. People tend to watch us much closer than they listen to us. This has only increased in this age of everything visual. Communication has become increasingly visual from TV to YouTube, to personal videos and pictures transmitted by cell phones. People are reading less (just ask the newspaper publishers) and watching more.
Our cultural reality presents a challenge to the transmission of godly morals and principles. It is so much easier to try and tell our children how they should live than to constantly model this behavior ourselves. Speaking only goes so far. Modeling godliness and holiness for others is the most effective method of teaching. We cannot rely on our words, sermons, classes or newsletters to convince people God loves them, has a plan for their lives and can empower them to live godly lives. We must show others through our own lives this is possible.
Of course we fail to model godliness all the time, but in our failures we are afforded the opportunity to model humility, repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation.
Jesus, I want to thank you for not only telling me about your love, but modeling love for me through the incarnation, cross and resurrection. Help me to authentically teach others by modeling what I preach, teach and share with others. - Dan Jones
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